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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mongolian food : Aarts

Recently made and ate some Mongolian traditional snacks. Kinda missed them when I was in Japan. This is called Аарц(aarts) they're curds from sour milk. Can be eaten in many ways. And most Mongolian traditional snacks are made out of milk

Well this is how аарц(aarts) looks like, the main ingredient . Available at big major stores here. Milk product.Was night at this time so didn't have any good lighting.

Add some of this Smetana or sour milk I think. Was almost out of supply. Again bought from local supermarkets. This really goes well with pastry's with some sugar. This is also a milk product

And adding some sweet crystals AKA sugar. In Mongolian tis called Саахар(saakhar).

And you mix them all up nicely with a spoon or anything (kinda sticky at first), put them in a bowl whirl and twirl....and it's done. Aарц(aarts)-Type:snowball. Well this is the way I eat it. You can also just eat it after mixing without molding it which is boring -_-...
Health facts: Good for your health. (lots of calcium)
                    Restores 40% of energy. (makes you feel full)
                    Not that high on calories I think.



  1. (MergenManiac)

    I miss ice cream with "aarst", it's so good

  2. I think the English word you're looking for is "sour cream." We take salty potato chips, use the chip to scoop some out like a spoon and eat the chip+sour cream. Yum!

    I'll have to try to get some cheese curds soon and make a "snowball" like that. It sounds great!
